Plumbing Inspections

Professional Plumbing Inspections in New Albany, OH

The fact is that far too many homeowners don’t give their plumbing systems a second consideration until they experience a problem. Plumbing systems, on the other hand, should be inspected at least once a year to verify that they continue to function as intended. Our licensed plumbers at New Albany Plumbing & Drain undertake a thorough review of your plumbing system as well as a thorough inspection of various critical areas and pieces of equipment during a plumbing inspection.

Plumbing checks performed by professionals ensure that everything runs well in the long run. They also assist you in avoiding unexpected plumbing repairs, which can be both costly and hard to deal with. Inspecting all sinks, tubs, showers, toilets, tankless water heaters, mainline blockages, and large home appliances that consume water, as well as any pipes and drains, is always a good idea. Inquire with our knowledgeable specialists at New Albany Plumbing & Drain about the necessity of a plumbing check before acquiring a new home or building, and you might potentially save hundreds of dollars on your purchase.

New Albany Plumbing Services
New Albany Plumbing Inspections

Plumbing Inspections in New Albany, OH

Points of Inspection

Everyone’s plumbing system is distinctive in some way, and some are truly unique in their design and construction. As a result of the fact that they are often very sophisticated, there are numerous items that must be examined during an inspection. For those who are scheduled for a plumbing inspection, the following list outlines some of the items that will be looked at:

Basins, Sinks & Faucets

The use of conventional plumbing fixtures in your home, such as faucets, sinks, bathtubs, toilets, and other similar items, can result in plumbing problems. Simple things like a leaking faucet, even if they just result in a significant amount of lost water and higher expenses, could be a problem.

Exposed Pipes and the Overall Plumbing System

The visible sections of your plumbing system are visually inspected to determine if there is any damage or if there are any potential problems.

New Albany Plumbing & Drain

Why Are Plumbing Inspections Important?

Better Home-Buying Decisions

Several first-time homebuyers overlook the need of having a plumbing examination completed by a professional plumber prior to purchasing a property. Any plumbing issues that exist in the home or business become a concern for the new owner as soon as the property or business has been purchased. Expenses for professional plumbing repairs or plumbing services for pipework problems, drainage problems, septic-system failures, faucet problems, sink problems, or other forms of water-related problems or flooding in your home could add up to a significant amount of money.

They’re a Part of Regular Maintenance

Households, like autos, require regular maintenance, such as cleaning, tune-ups, and other sorts of preventative maintenance. Without regular inspections and repairs for any problems that arise, your car or truck will become unreliable over time. Similar principles apply to a home’s plumbing system; by regularly inspecting your plumbing system, you can avoid emergencies such as leaks, and you may even be able to cut your electricity expenses.

Uncover Drain Blockages

Drain obstruction is a common occurrence that occurs over time. If a drain clog develops gradually, most individuals are unaware of it until they are unable to use their sink, shower, or tub without the water overflowing into the sink or tub. In addition to causing poor drainage, a clogged drain is known to emit foul odors and scents that are difficult to tolerate. However, this may be addressed as part of routine plumbing inspections performed by professional plumbers such as those at New Albany Plumbing & Drain.

Find Potential Problems

If your property has suffered structural damage, it is possible that a variety of problems will arise, including problems with the plumbing system. Some of these difficulties, unfortunately, may not be evident right away, which means that even after you thought all of your problems have been resolved, you may experience a plumbing emergency that may result in a major financial outlay down the road.

Friendly Technicians

We can guarantee that you will receive the best care possible, as our team is filled with men and women who are not only friendly and respectful but absolute experts in their field.

24/7 Emergency Services

We are here for you! You can reach out to us at any time: on the weekends, in the night-time, on holidays, etc. We provide service around the clock!

We’re Licensed & Insured

You can put your trust in us and our services. Our company is licensed, insured, bonded, and our experts are qualified to work on gas lines and other dangerous equipment.

New Albany Plumbing & Drain

Choose New Albany Plumbing & Drain!

Beyond the situations we’ve described, plumbing checks are advantageous in a wide variety of other situations as well. New Albany Plumbing & Drain recommends that you have your plumbing system inspected every year by a reputable, honest local plumber who will check for issues such as those listed above. This is an excellent way to keep your home safe and dry while also ensuring that your plumbing system lasts for a long period of time. For a full plumbing examination by one of our skilled plumbing inspectors, please contact us to schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you and your schedule. Our technicians will inspect your fixtures, drains, supply lines, and other components. All above-ground, exposed plumbing is thoroughly investigated, including shut-off valves and traps under the kitchen, bathroom, and utility sinks, as well as any hidden pipes or drains in the walls. Our inspections include sinks, showers, baths, toilets, and a variety of other plumbing components. Plumbing video camera examinations of underground sanitary drains and sewer pipes are something we can do for you.

New Albany Plumbing & Drain Services
New Albany Plumbing Drain Services

Frequently Asked Plumbing Inspection Questions

The New Albany Plumbing & Drain team is dedicated to assisting customers in identifying a long-term solution that will enable them to live comfortably in their homes. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (614) 245-3319 if you have any questions or concerns.

How do plumbers find water leaks?

Leak detection is accomplished by the use of specialized acoustic listening instruments. Listening discs and ground microphones, among other tools, allow plumbers to listen for any escaping water that may be trickling through pipes or even through a layer of cement.

How do I know if there's a leak in my sanitary sewer line?

The good news is that a sewer line leak will not increase your water bill; however, the bad news is that this makes it more difficult to determine whether your sewer line requires repair. Grass and weeds may develop rapidly on your lawn as a result of a broken sewer line, particularly in a moist region. You may also notice a weird odor emanating from your property, as well as rodents and other pests. If a sinkhole appears suddenly near your property, it is possible that it is the consequence of a damaged sewer connection.

What are the most common plumbing problems?

It is unavoidable that plumbing issues arise. Even in contemporary homes, clogged drains or a water leak can manifest themselves at inconvenient moments. This list of the most common plumbing problems will help you whether you’re living through repairs in an older home or just purchasing a new home and want to be prepared: clogged toilet, clogged garbage disposal, clogged bath or shower drain, leaky pipes, running toilet, slow draining sink, water heater repair, low water pressure.